You have Selected: Buddhism

Who deserves to be Worshipped Alone?
Sep 21/2015
Many people “discontent with God” because of the practices of the Church in medieval Europe and because of the claims of “god dwelling in a son”, and that “everyone is born with an original sin”. They “escaped” into worshipping a new theory called “mother nature” as well as the “material world”. Many also adopted the concept of “forgetting about God” and “let us li...
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Islam & Buddhism
Jul 01/2015
Historical criticism has proved that the original teachings of Buddha can never be known. It seems that Gautama Buddha’s teachings were memorized by his disciples. After Buddha’s death a council was held at Rajagaha so that the words of Buddha could be recited and agreed upon. There were differences of opinion and conflicting memories in the council. Opinion of Kayshapa and A...
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