You have Selected: One God

The True God is Allah.
Sep 21/2015
The True God is Allah, And Man is in Need of Him. There are those who do not believe in Allaah as the Only True God and there are those who believe that there is a Creator. Those who believe that there is a Creator believes that the Creator must be the creator of everything, the heavens, the earth and all that is in between them, mankind and all that exists; that the Creator pos...
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Denying God, Denying Reality
Aug 28/2015
Self-Evident Truths Does God exist? If God exists, what evidence is there to support this belief? I believe we have many good arguments which support a belief in God. We don’t require any evidence for His existence. God is an axiomatic belief. God’s existence is self-evidently true. Science takes the world’s reality as a self-evident truth; it believes ...
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Why Islam
Jul 10/2015
Why Islam? Why should we believe that Islam is the religion of truth, the religion that possesses the pure and final revelation? The Ultimate Elsewhere Almost never do non-Muslims study Islam until they have first exhausted the religions of their exposure. Only after they have grown dissatisfied with the religions ...
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Islam & Atheism
Jul 01/2015
God Existence – Atheists might assert that they don’t acknowledge the existence of God. Undeniably there are times — whether during the agonising days of a lingering illness, the seemingly eternal moments of a violent and humiliating mugging, or the split second of anticipating the impact of an imminent car crash — when a person realised the dependence of m...
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